Hei! Miten menee?
Over here it’s going… I got some horrible news yesterday. but the good news is – it’s soooo bad I haven’t been hungry! That never happens.
MY newest VIDEOS
I got A Covid-19 Test
Getting a Coronavirus test – how it works, what it feels like, my experience and more. I got the conventional test and Ben got the Covid-19 rapid test.
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Maratonin koulutuspäivä 4
I don’t even want to chew gum!! <- That’s a practice I have been wanting to break for a long time. Even though it’s only two days out from the Ventura Marathon I needed to run this morning so I did a short one with my head movies. It was like therapy. I also took a walk with my pal Katie and that was really nice. Kinda like therapy too Finally when I got home I had a smoothie. And I’ve been trying to keep myself busy. First, I got my nails done. That’s always nice. Plus, my old paint job was comical. I’m pretty sure the nail lady trying to hold in her laugh and passing it off as a cough. I’m on to your tricks Linda! And my selfie game is all right. So there’s that. That hat is pretty bad news too. Hey, at least I wasn’t ‘twerking’ aka cardiovascular conditioning: And I’ve also been keeping myself busy learning new things. Like, science. Now I’m just going to turn into a pirate and call it a day. What’s a Pirate’s favorite Letter? You think it’s “Arrrr” but it’s really the sea. Question: When was the last time you took a selfie? Lähetä minulle työkirja Jakaminen on välittämistä! Jaa Twiitti Pin Jaa Posti Jaa keep choosing these: Pahempaa kuin painajainen Pahempaa kuin painajainen Kokemukseni Night Terrorsista aikuisena. Run eat Repeat life update and night terrors experience. Resurssit Your Runner, Eater, reader Questions- Insta story (Jan part 2) Podcast Your Runner, Eater, reader Questions- Insta story (Jan part 2) Podcast Your questions on running, blogging, hair, strength training and more! I'm answering all the questions that came in this how to stop a bad practice Hack - 126 how to stop a bad practice Hack - 126 trick to stop over eating, binge eating or another bad habit. the best Intuitive eating suggestion to help you ditch the diet a never have I ever game For Runners round 2 never have I ever game For Runners round 2 never have I ever game for Runners @RunEatRepeat because I took my first DNF for the long beach marathon it's game time! H the best Mascara-Super Thick Lashes new Review the best Mascara-Super Thick Lashes new Review the best mascara for very thick long lashes. looks like false eyelashes but the mascara makes them thicker and longer s golden Retriever Won't Take His Medicine golden Retriever Won't Take His Medicine golden Retriever won't eat his pills. tried to put his medicine in a hot dog, chicken and he knew! He won't even eat the ⚡ by shareaholic.